Make tomorrow's decisions with today's figures.

We are GOW, progressive and forward-thinking, but we are also incredibly proud of our history. Learn about our incredible journey below.

Start Timeline


At Gow and Partners, we are progressive and forward-thinking, but we are also incredibly proud of our history. Founded by Alexander Gow, our company began offering traditional tax and advisory services in 2012. Since then, we are thrilled to have served a vast array of clients and communities, making ground-breaking achievements in the world of accountancy.  

Alexander— known fondly to his clients as ‘Sandy’—  got our company up and running singlehandedly, after a long and successful career in the civil service (HMRC), as well as 25 years of experience in the accountancy sector. He is regarded, quite appropriately, as an asset to his field by all who have known him...


Give your business the boardroom it deserves with our spacious offices and bespoke meeting rooms!

Based in the northern borough of Blackburn with Darwen, our building is situated at Dalton Court, just off the motorway, leaving us well-placed to serve you wherever you are located.  


The innovative accountancy solutions now offered at GOW and Partners were crafted, and continue to be generated, with the aim of streamlining your finance function, particularly via cloud accounting and tailored app implementation. 

While traditional accounting methodologies work, we have found them to be highly limited, unnecessarily time-consuming and error-prone. 

With Making Tax Digital in full swing, we encourage business owners to undertake their digital transition in good time. After all, cloud accounting has proven itself to be a much more efficient means of conduct, existing as a necessary (and let’s face it… inevitable) aspect of progression within the ever-changing accountancy sector.

DEC 2012
Company founded by Mr. Gow.

Alexander Gow gets the company up and running singlehandedly, after a long and successful career in the civil service (HMRC), as well as 25 years of experience in accountancy.

JUN 2016
Expansion and growth.

Mr. Gow goes on to employ two apprentices, who become AAT qualified, while receiving hands-on training and deep-rooted expertise from Mr. Gow. The trio are a great match, succeeding in growing the business at an exponential rate.

DEC 2019
Team relocates to better serve its clients.

GOW and Partners relocates from The Saturn Centre to Dalton Court, a much bigger building situated just off the motorway, decked out with bespoke meeting rooms and spacious offices.

JAN 2020
Company entrusted into the care of a new Director.

Kyle Lawrenson MAAT, a long-standing employee, takes over the firm upon Mr. Gow’s retirement. Innovative and forward thinking, he sets out to take the firm in a new and leading direction. 

APR 2020
Cloud Payroll offered via BrightPay Connect.

BrightPay Connect, an online self-service portal enabling automated backups and online accessibility for employers, is offered out to clients to help streamline their payroll procedures.

MAY 2020
Website launch.

The company website, offering updates, news and blogs, goes live for desktop and mobile. The launch is met with enthusiasm from clients and business associates alike.

MAY 2020
Certificate for student support.

Company is awarded a certificate from Blackburn College for providing short-term work placements to students, giving them valuable, real-life experience and insights into working life. 

2020 / 2021
Evolution amid COVID-19.

Company continues to accommodate clients in spite of a persistent pandemic, placing a heightened emphasis on cloud accounting and digital solutions for business. Kyle works tirelessly to offer effective support remotely, keeping clients informed on the economic support available.

MAR 2021
Investments in Tech and customer relations.

Company purchases Hihi technology, an innovative, touchscreen Google certified system, revolutionising the way customer relations are managed.

JUL 2021
Insights from Syft Analytics.

GOW and Partners begin offering business insights from Syft Analytics, alongside their services, to optimise the accuracy of accounts through real time reports and live, comparable information.

SEP 2021
'Gold Partner' status with Xero.

GOW and Partners achieve ‘Gold Partner’ status through the Xero partner programme, testament to their proficiency in the software and their commitment to offering the highest level of cloud accounting customer care.  

OCT 2021
Paperless working environment.

The company takes the leap to digitise all systems, maximising efficiency and freeing up more time for customer relations. The system format grants clients access to all their documentation at the click of a button— client portal coming soon!

JAN 2022
Going electric.

Commitments are made to the preservation of the environment, with the company purchasing its first electric car, and encouraging clients to consider a transition to electric energy.

Clientele are presented with informative insights into the various tax incentives for making carbon-reducing business decisions.

APR 2022
Making Tax Digital (MTD) transition.

The team at GOW and partners continue in their efforts to support each client with their MTD transition as the HMRC policy becomes mandatory for all VAT-registered businesses. 

MAY 2022
App Partnerships.

Efforts to digitalise develop as partnerships are formed with various accounting app providers, including Dext, Fluidly and Hammock. The company becomes Dext Pro Certified in May 2022.  

OCT 2022
Company rebrand and onset of 'Growing Owners Wealth'.

After successfully completing their company rebrand, the team launches a fresh, bespoke website, incorporating an improved system for monitoring and increasing profitability for clients.

DEC 2022
10 year anniversary of GOW and Partners.

GOW and Partners are proud to have served a vast array of clients and communities over the span of an entire decade.

Company Guarantee.

Our clients form the heart and soul of our company. This is why, from the moment you sign up with GOW and Partners, we’ll be wholly committed to helping you excel in the world of business, guaranteeing a high level of service at all times.

Our service is close-knit and personal. One where expectations are clearly outlined, with plenty of time being taken to gain an understanding of your wants, as well as your needs.

Personal and attentive.

We all know how tedious automated services can be, with their generic responses and proclivity to leave you on hold for hours at a time. Conversely, you’ll never have to chase us to hit targets, and we’ll always be at the other end of the phone to answer queries, no matter how small. In the ever-evolving, competitive business world, bare minimum accountancy simply isn’t enough.

GOW and Partners go above and beyond to help your business reach its full potential, not only getting your accounts in order, but aiding you in actualising your ambitions. After helping you define your goals, we’ll send you regular business scorecards, showing you how close you are to reaching them. These scorecards bring clarity to the progress made by your business, providing you with invaluable insights that strengthen profitability and longevity.

Never miss a deadline.

We understand that running a business is no simple endeavour. With PAYE, VAT, Corporation tax, Companies House, CIS, and auto-enrolment deadlines, it can feel like an utter minefield … but it doesn’t have to. Kiss goodbye to missed deadlines and late filing penalties with GOW and Partners.

Our diligent team of accountants take pride in their pristine organisational ability, ensuring that every required deadline is met in good time. Streamlining the process, we help you navigate all things deadline related. This means that you can rest assured, knowing that you will always be notified when a deadline is approaching and made aware of any documentation that we require from you.